Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We're home!

Hey everyone! The last few days before we got home were super fun! After we left Cody, Wyoming, the next day was a longggg day of driving! We had to go from about 7 am that morning to 5:30 am the next day! We parked in the parking lot of Wal Mart and were so tired that we couldn't pop up the camper. So we just slept in the van that night. That was definitely one of the more boring & family bonding times of the trip! The next day we drove about 3 hours to Plum Creek, Minnesota to a festival celebrating the family of Laura Ingalls Wilder. There was a guest speaker there, Alison, who played the evil character of Nellie in the Little House on the Prarie tv show on TBS. She was really interesting to listen to and really funny! After we heard her speak, we went to a play of the story of Laura Ignalls and her family as they moved around the West. It was really good and made us realize just how hard life was back then. After that really amazing day, we drove to Chicago and went to a restaurant called Giardianos for some classic Chicago deep dish pizza! It was sooooo good, i wish we could move it to Holland! Then we walked around and saw the waterfront (: The next day, we went on a tour of Notre Dame college, where my cousin will be playing basketball on a full scholarship! And then we went to stay at my Grandma and Grandpa's house in Erie, PA for the night. Now, we're home! The trip ended up being about 9,000 miles, 30 days, and we went through 23 states! The trip was absolutley amazing, and thanks everyone for following us!

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